Loan Protection

Help When You Need It

Line separation

What is Loan Protection?

Loan Protection essentially protects your loan. It helps you when situations are grim and is a wonderful thing to have if something goes wrong.

Why Choose Loan Protection?

Well it just puts a little less stress on you! That makes it easier to focus on the things you need to get done. It also makes it easier to teach your child how to drive, get through the rough snow storm or, just drive in peace.

Want to Learn More?

Watch the video below to learn how loan protection can help you and your family when you may need it most. Loan protection has become increasingly more popular with our clients; see why!

When you're in need of an extra hand, GAP protection can help. Whether it's job loss or an unexpected life change, GAP protection and loan protection can provide an important safety net. Rest easy knowing that you have the peace of mind of GAP protection on your side. Learn more with our video below!

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40 Main St., Fredericton, NB E3A 1B8